Birthday Parties FAQs


How far in advance should I make my reservation?
How do I know what party times are available?
Is the reservation deposit applied to the price of my party?
If I have to cancel or reschedule, do I lose my deposit?
Can I use a gift card to make the reservation deposit?

Guest Count & Guest List

Most of your party packages are described as being "for up to 8 guests". Is that the maximum I can have for a party?
What if I don't have 8 guests coming?
How many guests should I select on my reservation if I am not sure yet who is able to come?
What if I need to add more guests than I initially planned for?
How many guests will your party rooms seat?
What happens if all the people I reserved for can't come?
Do you charge for people who only want to come and watch the party?
Can I add more people the day of the event?
Is the birthday child free or counted as one of the guests?
What if I want to have a party with two birthday children at the same time?
Do you charge for children under the age of 3 in your birthday packages?
When do I have to let you know my final guest counts?
Why do I need to provide a completed guest list when I arrive?


What options do I have to pick up the birthday invitations?

Online Reservation System

How can I reserve my party if I do not have a credit card or email address?

Party Timing & Sequencing

How long is a birthday party?
How long is my reserved seating time? Can I stay longer?
I have already told the guests what time the party would be but you say that time is not available in your room schedule?
Where do we put our gifts while everyone is playing in the arcade?

Birthday Cakes

Do you sell birthday cakes?
Can I bring in my own cake?

Party Décor, Add-On Party Favors, Souvenirs & Extras

What are the Special Gift Options from Cogswell that is included for the Birthday Child?
What is included in the standard table setup?
What decoration items am I allowed to bring to a party?
What is in the Birthday Goody Bags?
Can I buy one of your birthday t-shirts?

Deals & Discounts

I see from time to time there are special discounts offered when booking my party online. How do I find out about special offers and deals?
Do military members receive a special discount on birthday reservations?

The Day of Your Party

How far ahead of the start time for my party should I arrive?
When should I tell my guests to arrive?
What happens if I lost my confirmation number or confirmation email receipt?
Will I have a party host assigned to me during the party?